Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik Probability Sampling, khusunya dengan pendekatan Systematic Random Sampling (Moh. Nasir, 1999:332). Besar sampel minimum yang diperlukan adalah 99,8, namun dibulatkan menjadi 100 orang.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa hampir seluruh responden, yaitu sebanyak 87 orang (87,00%), selalu membaca majalah mediaHALO setiap kali terbit. Kemudian responden yang telah membaca majalah mediaHALO, sebanyak 63 orang (63,00%) menyatakan perasaan yang puas karena majalah ini sesuai dengan yang diharapkannya, sedangkan 28 orang dari responden (28,00%) menyatakan kurang puas karena informasinya kurang memenuhi keinginan pelanggan. Sebanyak 77 orang (77,00%) menyatakan bersedia merekomendasikan majalah mediaHALO kepada rekan-rekannya karena menurut responden majalah ini wajib dibaca oleh semua pelanggan Kartu Halo.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu, intensitas terpaan penerbitan majalah MediaHalo dapat mempertahankan Sikap Positif pelanggan kartu HALO. Intensitas terpaan yang berupa Frekuensi membaca telah dinilai baik, sehingga dapat mempertahankan Sikap Positif pelanggan kartu HALO.
Saran penelitian tentang majalah mediaHALO ini yaitu, agar media eksternal tersebut diharapkan dapat memperlancar arus informasi dari perusahaan kepada pelanggan dan berdampak kepada tumbuhnya sikap positif pelanggan terhadap perusahaan.
Communicaton is a way to make a change, prevent and increasing motivation, and to get the purpose. The main purpose of a communication is a positive way of attitude that has been changed by the communican. Likely, PT Telkomsel, who has the biggest customer loyalty among the other cellular operator services. They have made release as an external magazine to filling up the loyal customer needs. This magazine is such a media that has been made to inform the customer. This magazine is called mediaHALO.
Research type which is used is descriptive with the research method is descriptive survey. Data is obtained through the questioners, interview, and observation that straightly on field. The result of data collecting by source of primary data, obtained by amount sample that equal to 100 respondent. Population research is repsresenting the member of Kartu Halo customer in bandung.
Result of the research showing 87% of the respondent has always reads the mediaHALO magazine. After that, the respondent who always reads the mediaHALO magazine, for about the 63% of all are feeling satisfied because they have found what they have just need. The opposite of it, for about 28 respondent (28,00%) feeling unsatisfied because they have think that the mediaHALO magazine was not represent the Kartu Halo customer.
The conclussion of this research has been taken. The frecuency of reading the magazine by the respondent, is related with the intensity, and it has came up with a good response from the respondent, which is the Kartu Halo customer. It is showing that the respondent are still keeping the positive attitude for the product. They are the real loyal customer of Kartu Halo.
The suggestion of this research which has been related to the conclussion is containing, with the mediaHALO magazine hopefully it will spreading out the information, from the company to the customer and it will prove much about customer positive attitude for the company.
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